

symphysodon spp

Want quality Cobalt Blue Discus? We got em!

These are high quality fish specimens that are very easy to take care. The most important factors of keeping your fish colorful and healthy is water temperature and food types offered. Water temperature should always be 78-84 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vibrant coloration varies depending on mood, health, time of year, and diet. For their diet we highly recommend to supplement feeding with bloodworms and New Life Spectrum Discus Formula, as well as New Life Spectrum Ultra Red to bring out their natural colors.

We bring these Discus’ in from Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore. The Discus from Thailand are known for their color while the Discus from Vietnam and Singapore are more naturally grown.

Size at shipping about 2″+

Min purchase no less than 3 please

fist image is a Mature breeding Male Cobalt Blue around 4 years old. a splendid image!

Second image is typically what most Cobalt Blues look like.