
Red Pigeon Blood Discus for sale

pH: 5 – 7

Temperature: 80°F – 86°F (27°C – 30°C)
Water Hardness: 1° to 8° dH


Red Pigeon Blood Discus for sale

pH: 5 – 7

Temperature: 80°F – 86°F (27°C – 30°C)
Water Hardness: 1° to 8° dH

Red Pigeon Blood Discus are a well sought after variety due to their coloration and pattern. Notice the black spots on the 1st pic? This is called “Peppering”. This Peppering is sought after by many breeders in the persuit to get a full black discus. If you dont like the peppering, then you may likely want Red Eagel Discus instead.  There are several pics of these fish some with more Peppering so you can see the difference.  A fun fish!

Discus are a genus of three species of cichlid freshwater fish native to the Amazon River basin in South America. Discus are usually shy but generally peaceful aquarium inhabitants. They are sensitive to stress and disturbance or lack of protection. The best cohabitants are angelfish and small tetras. The discus is a social fish and lives in large groups in their native waters, and has a very advanced social behaviour; they are one of the few real schooling cichlids. Remember to keep this in mind when starting care for discus and always purchase more than one. They need social interaction to develop their character to its best potential. Discus do better in deep tanks. All discus require excellent water quality with little movement of water as they do not like strong currents. Discus require higher temps of no less than 79 and up to 86 degrees.

Minimum quantity for “Red Pigeon Blood Discus” is no less than 3 please!

Shipping size currently around 2″