We Are The Original Aquatic Pioneers

For over 35 years, we have been shipping year round from our family farm to your door.

Discus Fish Aquarium 

Welcome to the home of the “King of the Aquarium” — the world’s largest selection of hybrid and wild-caught discus fish for sale.

Our lovely family would like to personally thank you for visiting our site. Our unique farm provides aquatic plants, for aquariums as well as Tropical, Bog, Wetland plants for ponds, surface floaters, oxygenators, grasses, lotus, lilies and more. On the livestock end we offer a huge selection of critters we enjoy, farm, and raise ourselves. From tropical freshwater fish and saltwater/marine fish, algae eaters, freshwater shrimp, crabs, lobsters, snails, mosquito fish & tadpoles & frogs! We sell to just about every single zoological society, botanical garden & university in the USA. We also sell to charter, private & public schools, pet stores & residential customers alike since 1987! We also sell Fruit Tree Seeds and Hatching Eggs for many types of exotic & gamebirds.


Trending In Freshwater Discus

Most Sorted Hybrid Discus

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Thank you to the thousands of customers in almost every country who chooses to make us #1 source for Discus Fish and Assessories.

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